
Under-Represented Ethnicities Access Day 2023

St Catharine's is pleased to be hosting an Under-Represented Ethnicities Access Day for Year 12 (or equivalent e.g. S5/Year 13 NI) students on 4 March 2023 in collaboration with the Junior Combination Room, the elected body that represents our undergraduate students.

Year 12 students are invited to see the College, go on tours with current undergraduates and hear about their experiences applying and studying at Cambridge. There will also be a talk from admissions staff about applying to Cambridge and the chance to ask students and staff any questions. The timings for the day will be from 10 am - 4 pm.

Sign-ups for the event are now open. Complete the sign up form.

Sign-ups will close at 12pm on 13 February. We will inform successful applicants before 17 February. 

Eligibility Criteria 

Applicants must fulfil all of the following essential criteria:

  • Must be attending a state school/college/sixth form college/academy
  • Identify as being from an ethnic minority that is under-represented at the University of Cambridge (including, but not limited to, Black African, Black Caribbean, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Roma, Gypsy, Traveller), 
  • On track to achieve a minimum of AAA at A level.
  • Currently in Year 12 (or equivalent e.g. S5/Year 13 NI)

Space are limited on our Access Day, and so we will be selecting participants based on the following widening participation criteria. Students who meet one or more of the following criteria will be prioritised:

  • Have lived, or are currently living, in care
  • Students who are currently eligible for Free School Meals, or have been in the last six years, or who are eligible for pupil premium
  • Students who have experienced disruption to their education such as for the following reasons:
    • Medical/health issues (including mental health), particularly those that have resulted in long or extended periods of absence (over eight weeks) from school in the last six years
    • Bereavement of a close family member (e.g. parent/carer) in the last six years
    • Being a young carer, defined as being the primary carer for a parent or sibling
    • Becoming a parent
    • Being an asylum seeker or refugee
    • Becoming estranged from both primary carers (e.g. parents/carers)
    • Moving schools two or more times in the last six years (this does not include moving between different school levels, such as primary to secondary or middle school, or secondary school to sixth form)
  • Students from schools with historic low progression to Oxford & Cambridge
  • Students who live in POLAR4 Quintiles 1&2 or IMD Quintiles 1&2 target wards
  • Students with no parental history of higher education
  • Students who have a disability or special educational need
  • Students who attend a school in one of St Catharine's College's link areas: North Yorkshire, Suffolk or Rutland.

Online Access Event

Students who are not selected to come for the in-person access day will instead be invited to an online Access Day hosted by St Catharine's College Outreach staff and students. We will be sending our more information to students after sign-ups close.