
The Tunku research community

St Catharine's Tunku Abdul Rahman Fund exists to “encourage the development of the humanities and the social sciences in Malaysia” by offering grants and studentships for the country’s most promising scholars to study for a postgraduate degree in Cambridge. The Tunku Scholarship has supported an incredible range of scholars, and served as vital bridge between Cambridge and Malaysia – one that’s grown stronger every year.

In 2021, St Catharine’s announced the establishment of a lectureship in Malay World Studies. Dr Liana Chua (2021) was appointed as the inaugural Tunku Abdul Rahman University Lecturer in Malay World Studies, an entirely new position that is fully funded by the College thanks to the Fund. Dr Chua, who also serves as the Director of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Fund, explains:

"As a recent arrival at Catz, I’ve really enjoyed meeting our current Tunku scholars and finding out about the amazing research and trajectories of previous scholars. I hope that you will take a moment to explore and enjoy – and perhaps be inspired by – their profiles! Do feel free to get in touch if you’d like to find out more about the Tunku Fund and the opportunities that it offers."

Please click on the links in the sidebar to find out about some current and recent Tunku scholars’ research, their experiences of Cambridge, and their advice to potential applicants.


The Tunku Abdul Rahman Fund was established in 2003 by the Government of Malaysia and St Catharine’s to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, who received his undergraduate degree and an Honorary Fellowship from the College. Since its launch, the Fund has provided nearly 30 fully-funded scholarships for MPhil and PhD students. Substantial investment in support for students will continue in the years ahead, alongside the endowment of this new Lectureship in Malay World Studies.