
Chaplaincy and spiritual wellbeing

This page offers a selection of resources for nurturing spiritual life and for exploring the relationship between faith life, especially in the light of some of the major themes in the contemporary world. You are welcome to use these resources whether or not you would consider yourself religious. If you have suggestions for other resources that would enhance this page, please do let me know. 

You are also welcome to contact the Interim Chaplain The Rev'd Jonathan Collis, for a conversation about anything to do with spiritual or general wellbeing. 

Living Faithfully

You may find it helpful to download the Faith in Cambridge document, which is a collection of information about living faithfully and finding a faith community in Cambridge as a student. It has been prepared by a small group from amongst the Deans and Chaplains, with advice from others, and suggestions for improvement are welcome. 

See also the Supporting all faiths page

Catz Multifaith Prayer Room

St Catharine's has a multifaith prayer room, which is available to all members of the College community, of any faith or none, and their accompanied guests. It is located on the second floor of the central College building that also houses the Chapel and the Dining Hall, and is accessible via the main stairs or lift. Students should have automatic access (via your camcard) to the corridor on which the room is located (if your card doesn't let you in, do ask the porters to add access for you), and to the prayer room itself. Staff and Fellows will need to ask the porters for access to be added to your card.

More about how to access and use the Multifaith Prayer Room.

Chaplaincy Events

There are occasional social / discussion events throughout the year, most of which are intended to be suitable for those of any faith tradition, and are an opportunity to get to know one another, and to get to know more about one another's traditions and learn from one another's experiences. 

Climate, Eco-theology and Eco-Church

We are delighted to be an 'Eco-Chapel' - we have received our bronze award as part of the A Rocha Eco-Church Scheme.  This is reflected in the worship and preaching in the Chapel, the way that the Chapel and chaplaincy helps resource thinking and reflecting around sustainability, practical decisions about how we use the building and the sorts of activities that the Chapel promotes in the College and beyond. 

Grief and bereavement

When someone dies, we may find ourselves thinking more about what life means, and about 'ultimate questions', including what happens when we die. The Chaplain is always happy to talk about these matters, and to help those who are coming to terms with loss. 

The College holds an annual service around All Souls (the end of October or beginning of November) at which we read the names of those who have died during the previous year from within the College community (including our alumni) - there is always an opportunity to add the name of a departed loved one to the list, and everyone is welcome to come to the service to light a candle in their memory.