Statement of Practice at St Catharine’s College
October 2024
The aims* of St Catharine’s College are:
- To provide a world-class education for our students, in a supportive environment where academic aspiration, diversity and welfare are promoted.
- A selective, planned renewal of buildings to support College operations, ensuring Members enjoy a high standard of living and access to state-of-the-art facilities, while also increasing opportunities for revenue generation.
- To develop our people to best serve our College community.
- To expand the College’s revenue base, building up our endowment and managing our investments prudently, in order to maximise support for our students and attract outstanding academics.
In undertaking these aims, the College provides hospitality services to its members and members of the general public (including services in the cafeteria and bar).
The aim of the act is to ensure that tips, gratuities and service charges paid by customers are allocated to workers.
Our outlets and services do not automatically add any service charges nor provide an automatic service to suggest a gratuity but, intermittently, tips may be left with the College by customers in recognition of their appreciation of the service received. Such tips are considered occasional and exceptional. As a consequence, the College does not maintain a formal register of tips to which employees and workers can request access, nor a written policy on their allocation as required by the Act for any qualifying tips, gratuities and service charges.
With respect to the occasional and exceptional tips received by workers it is College’s intention to ensure that workers receive the full benefit of the tips.
The College will review this information on a periodic basis to determine whether their status under the Act changes and ensure that it remains compliant with its requirements.
* ‘Our College, Our Future’ strategic plan (2019)
For clarity, “tips” include gifts of monetised value only. Belongings left behind in accommodation do not fall under the legislation’s definition: