
Mastership election update

Thursday 9 June 2022


In March, the College announced the beginning of the important process of electing a new Master. When Professor Sir Mark Welland (2016) retires on 30 September 2023, his successor will become the fortieth Master of St Catharine’s and will be joining the College during the 550th anniversary of its foundation.

The election process is necessarily a long and complex one, since few appointments are as important to the College as that of a new Head of House. The authority to elect the Master rests with the Governing Body, but the Master must inspire and encourage the entire College community and enthusiastically represent St Catharine’s to the wider world. Therefore, the Governing Body created a Mastership Election Committee and retained Perrett Laver, a leading international executive search firm, to assist them in this enterprise.

A key priority of the Mastership Election Committee is that all views of the College community are heard and considered throughout all stages of the process. To this end, views from the Fellowship, staff members, and students have been sought through questionnaires, conversations, and ‘Town Hall’ style meetings. Professor Stefan Marciniak (2011), Chair of the Mastership Election Committee explained, “The consultative process has helped the Committee to draft the application materials and will continue to guide our efforts. Many members have also met with Perrett Laver in small-group and one-to-one meetings to give them a detailed understanding of the College and ensure that the core values of St Catharine’s will be communicated to potential candidates.”

The post is being advertised on the College website, across the University, and on a number of media outlets. Download the candidate brochure.

Anyone wishing to apply or to propose others for consideration during the long-listing process is warmly encouraged to contact Professor Marciniak at or Perrett Laver at Formal application should be made via the Perrett Laver website. The closing date for applications is the 27th June 2022 and will be followed by a long-listing process. Shortlisting will take place early in the Michaelmas term and candidates will be invited to visit the College and learn first-hand about St Catharine’s. Interviews will follow and the election will take place early in the Lent term of 2023.