
Dr Peter Candy

Subject: Law
Dr Peter Candy's research interests include Roman legal and economic history, with a focus on the relationship between economic development and legal change during the last centuries of the Roman Republic. He completed a PhD on the historical development of Roman maritime law at the University of Edinburgh in 2019. He has published work on the character of late Roman Republican jurisprudence and will shortly publish a monograph on ancient maritime loan contracts.
Director of Studies in Law
University Assistant Professor in Civil Law

Dr Candy is an Assistant Professor in Civil Law at the University of Cambridge's Faculty of Law. He was previously Sir John Baker Lecturer and Fellow in Law at St Catharine's (201921) and Fellow in Roman Law and European Legal History at the University of Edinburgh's Faculty of Law (202122).

Journal articles:

- ‘Parallel Developments in Roman Law and Maritime Trade during the Late Republic and Early Principate’. Journal of Roman Archaeology 33 (2020): 53–72

- "Judging Beyond the Sandal": Law and Rhetoric in D.19.2.31 (Alf. 5 dig.a Paulo epit.)’. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung 138 (2021): 310–337.

Edited volumes:

Roman Law and Maritime Commerce, ed. Peter Candy and Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz (Edinburgh University Press, 2022).

Book chapters:

- ‘Limits of Juristic Argument in the Exercitorian Edict’. In Principle and Pragmatism in Roman Law, edited by Benjamin Spagnolo and Joe Sampson, 143–58. London: Hart, 2020.

- ‘Introduction: Roman Law and Maritime Commerce’. In Roman Law and Maritime Commerce. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.

- ‘Credit for Carriage: TPSulp. 78 and P. Oxy. XLV 3250’. In Roman Law and Maritime Commerce. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022.