
Professor Pierre Raphaël

Professor Raphael's research lie in the theoretical study of non linear partial differential equations. He is particularly interested in the formation of singularities which are deep non linear and poorly understood mechanisms at the heart of famous conjectures like the 6th Millennial Clay problem.
Nicholas Handy Fellow
Herchel Smith Professor of Pure Mathematics

Pierre Raphaël is the Herchel Smith Professor of Pure Mathematics. After graduating from École Polytechnique (France), he receives his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Cergy-Pontoise, and moves to Princeton (USA) as an Assistant Professor. He returned to France as the principal investigator of several European grants, and joins Cambridge’s Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics in 2019. He is invited to the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2014, and is awarded the Grand Prix Alexandre Joannides 2014 from the French Academy of Sciences and a Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship in 2019. In 2023, he receives the Bocher AMS memorial prize and the Clay research award in recognition of his breakthrough works on the description of implosion mechanisms for viscous compressible fluids and the discovery on defocusing blow up mechanisms which open a new area in the world of fluid singularities.

Merle, F.; Raphael, P.; Rodnianski, I.; Szeftel, J., On the implosion of a compressible fluid I: Smooth self-similar inviscid profiles, Annals of Math. 196 (2022), no. 2, 567--778.

Merle, F.; Raphael, P.; Rodnianski, I.; Szeftel, J., On the implosion of a compressible fluid II: Singularity formation, Annals of Math. 196 (2022), no. 2, 779--889.

Merle, F.; Raphael, P.; Rodnianski, I.; Szeftel, J., On blow up for the energy super critical defocusing non linear Schrodinger equations, Invent. Math. 227 (2022), no. 1, 247--413.

Royal Society Wolfson fellowship (2019);
Section speaker, International Congress of Mathematicians (2014);
Grand Prix Alexandre Joannides of the French Academy of Sciences (2014)
Clay research award (2023); American Mathematical Society memorial Bocher Prize (2023)