Oculi omnium aspiciunt et in Te sperant, Domine. Tu das iis escas illorum tempore opportuno. Aperis Tu manus et imples omne animal benedictione Tua.* Benedic nobis, Domine, et omnibus donis Tuis, quae ex larga liberalitate Tua sumpturi sumus + per Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum. Amen. |
All eyes look up and hope in you, Lord. You give them their food at the right time. You open your hands and fill every living being with your blessing. Bless us, Lord, and all your gifts, which we are about to receive from your great bounty through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. |
* This phrase is taken from Psalm 145 vv 14-15. It is commonly in use at other Cambridge Colleges.
+ The words Benedic, Domine, dona tua quae de largitate sumus sumpturi are recorded as a blessing as early as the eighth century. This phrase, and variations on it, are used as a pre-prandial grace at many Oxford and Cambridge colleges.
Here is an audio recording of the Ante Cibum grace, read by Professor Sir John Baker. Click the play button to hear it.