The Chapel at St Catharine's is a place where all are welcome.
People come into Chapel for a whole range of reasons, and you don't have to be religious or used to attending a church. The big door on Main Court is open all day every day (and you can use your camcard to get in any time of day or night, via the atrium) and the Chapel is a place for anyone and everyone.
How to find out more
- Find out the details of this term's Chapel services - there are generally three choral services each week, that anyone and everyone can come to.
- Contact the Chaplain if you might be interested in being more actively involved in Chapel life (such as reading in services)
- Explore the resources for spiritual wellbeing, 'living well', personal reflection and prayer, chaplaincy events, and events in the wider University that may be of interest.
Daily prayer
I conduct a simple service of morning prayer in Chapel each weekday at 0830 (0800 on Fridays), and evening prayer (Monday and Friday, 1530; Wednesday and Thursday 1630). This includes praying for the College community, those in need, the nation and the world. This pattern of daily prayer is part of how I care for the life and wellbeing of the College community and beyond. You are welcome to ask me to pray for something or someone specific by emailing or writing your request in the book that you will find just by the archway when you come in.
Please do feel free to make suggestions of other resources we can provide for you. In the meantime, please be assured of my prayers and blessings, always.
The Rev'd Jonathan Collis
Interim Chaplain